Monday, September 14, 2009

Assignment #1

My favourite kinds of media are:
  • Movies
  • Television
  • Music
Some of my favourite movies are:
  • Blood Diamond
  • Titanic
  • Marley& Me
  • Definatly, Maybe
  • Blade
  • Flicka
  • 17 Again
  • Fast and Furious
  • Transformers 2
  • G.I. Joe
  • The Ugly Truth
  • Knowing
  • Obsessed
  • The Time Travelers Wife
  • Fired Up
  • Soroity Row
These are some of my favourite movies because they all have really good actors in them such as the movie Titanic and Blood Diamond have Leonardo Dicaprio (my favourite male actor) and in Blade and Definatly, Maybe have Ryan Reynolds ( Also another favourite male actor of mine). The movies all have good stories behind them that make you want to keep watching and keep you on the edge of your seat. In the movies Obsessed,Fast and Furious, Transformers 2 and Blood Diamond are all action movies that are very entertaining and they make you keep watching and get really into the movie. These movies tell a story that i can enjoy or relate to. In Titanic, I really enjoy it because it is a love story and a tragedy at the same time and is really cute. Most of these movies have good graphics especially the action movies.

Some of my favourite TV shows are:

  • Charmed
  • One Tree Hill
  • Family Guy
  • So You Think You Can Dance
  • American Idol
  • Deal or No Deal
  • House
  • Gossip Girl
  • NCIS
  • Vampire Diaries
  • CSI
  • CSI: NY
  • CSI: Miami
  • Suite Life on Deck
These are some of my favourite tv shows because they are entertaining and make me laugh. They have elements of the shows that make me laugh and make me emotional such as One Tree Hill because in one episode 'Q' (Quinton) dies and makes you feel sad and upset. the game shows such as deal or no deal get you interested in what is going on because it makes you want to be in that persons position and be winning money and trips etc. The CSI's and House have elements of mystery and keep you guessing about murder or the answer and keep you looking for clues. Vampire diaries and charmed make your imagination flow because there is really no such thing as vampires and witches and noone can actually fly.

Some of my favourite Music is:
  • Beautiful- Akon
  • Battlefield- Jordan Sparks
  • I Gotta Feeling- Black Eyed Peas
  • Boom Boom Pow- Black Eyed Peas
  • Good Girls Gone Bad- Cobra Starship
  • Goodbye- Kristina Debarge
  • Her Diamonds- Rob Thomas
  • How Do You Sleep- Jesse McCartney
  • I Do Not Hook Up- Kelly Clarkson
  • I Like You So Much Better When Your Naked- Ida Maria
  • It Happens- Sugerland
  • My Life Would Suck Without You- Kelly Clarkson
  • Six- All That Remains
  • Starstruck- Lady Gaga
  • Summer Nights- Rascal Flatts
  • Untouched- The Veronicas
  • Whiskey Girl- Toby Keith

These are some of my favourite songs because they have catchy tunes. The most catchy song would probably be Boom Boom Pow or starstruck in my opinion because they are dance songs and almost sound like a remix. The songs beautiful, battlefield, her diamonds, i do not hook up, my life would suck without you untouched, whiskey girl and star struck all tell some kind of love story whether it is tragic or upsetting or wonderful. the song six is like rock-ish and just helps me to calm down when im angry.

My least favourite kinds of media are:
  • Newspaper
  • Billboards
  • Radio
Newspapers are one of my least favourite forms of media because:

It takes too long to read the newspapers and the news doesn't usually affect me. A lot of the articles are pointless and boring. There is no flare or color in the newspaper which makes in not so visually appealing to teenagers. The newspaper takes too long to get the information or the news out and you can find it out a lot faster if you go onto the internet or even watch the news channels on tv. There is often a lot of extra information that noone wants to read and there are too many advertisments that don't really apply to every one and usually people don't even look at them.

Billboards are another one of my least favourite forms of media because:

I find that billboards are pointless and a waste of space time money and resources. Most billboards that you see are pointless and people don't usually notice them. They never change which makes them boring and once you have seen them you don't care. Billboards in my opinion are just giant advertisements. some are unclear and some have too much text on them to read when your driving by. None of them really apply to anyone in particular because there is no real specific audiance so they have to be a general message because everyone can read them.

My other least favourite form of media is the radio because:

In my house hold there is constantly about 6 radios always playing everywhere on different stations and I personally have no appreciation for them anymore. I find that there is too much talk and talk shows, there is too many adds it is only appealing to our ears and it is just boring. Not everyone likes the same music so it makes it really annoying nad you can't really choose what plays on the radio.



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