Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Assignment #2

1. Find article written by staff writer. Briefly summarize the article.

"Slaine Teenager's Family Blasts Killers Plea Deal"

"Brampton assilant who 'never says sorry' gets two years-and he'll be out in eight months" (Bob Mitchell, Staff Reporter)

Fourteen year old Rajiv Dharamdial was stabbed five times in the chest and in the abdomen, two fatal wounds penetrating his heart. The killer was fifteen, only serves eight months. He rinsed the knife in bleach, dropped it in a sewer, threw away the clothes he was wearing and cut his hair when the suspect report came out.

2. Find an article that came from a news service. Briefly summarize it.

"Opposite to PM: There will be an election"

"Bloc, NDP see no comprimis with Harper Tories and gear up for a fall vote, the fourth in 5 years."

Planning an election (4th in 5 years) because the consevatives are leaving canada in the worst state it has ever been in.

3. What are the main differences between those two articles?

The staff writer's article is facts and it is from both sides of the stories. The staff writer is also about more local things unlike the news service article. The news service article on the other hand is about politics (in this case) and is kind of biased against Harper and the Conservatives. It doesn't tell the Conservatives side of the story however.

4. Find an example of a) Hard News, b) Human Interest, and c) Sensationalism- Give brief recap of story and some evidince that fits each of these categorys.


"Obama Speech to Clarify Health Reforms"

"Comprimise pondered in bid to calm acrimony"

Many americans against Obama making health care. No emotion in the article.


"71 Year-old Charged in assult on boys"

Michael Dimmick charged with five counts of indecent assult and buggery.


"Be Nice"

A man that had just moved to Toronto fell off his bike and broke his leg. Got help from many people in Toronto.

5. Find a story you think contains some bias or subjectivity. What evidence do you have that it is biased? Give examples.

"Apples Brand Moving up in the Ranks"

The person that wrote this article is obviouslt for the apple brand and saying that it is getting better and better and that the top five brands are staying at the same rank. The article has nothing against apple and a lot of negative info about other brands, therefore it is biased.

6. Find three stories from different cities in your province, then find three stories from three different provinces, and three stories form different countries.

Different Cities:

i) "May's seat bid in B.C. seen as aiding Tories." Green leader's choice will split the vote, Enviornmentalist warns.(Ottawa)

ii) "North York victim, 23, trying to quit 'the game'." Police study videos for dues after father of two with criminal past shot several times outside lobby. (Toronto)

iii) "Hammer Poised at High Park" (Toronto)

Different Provinces:

i) "Plains party gets nod despite FLQ furor" (Quebec)

ii) "Convicted corpal set to learn his fate" (Nova Scotia)

iii) "Card player drew a gun and killed his friends" (Manitoba)

Different Countries:

i) "Tainted police cheif moved to post office" (Kenya)

ii) "Doctors urge ban on alcohol ads." (Britain)

iii) "Authorities accused of illegal detentions" (Vietnam)

7. How does tone or content of these stories differ, if at all?

They are either about politics or events that happened locally.

8. Find five stories that you think aim at five different groups of readers. ie teens, older men, housewives, working women, collage boys etc.

1) "Pride organizers plan world event"- Pointed at gays or bisectuals.

2) "Africentric School makes history"- Pointed at africans.

3) "A bit like running a dating service"- Pointed towards bachelors and batchelorettes.

4) "Move out, mama's boy, Act like a man"- Pointed towards parents who are trying to get their kids to move out or kids who need to move out of their parents house.

5) "Shot it, Freah Fashion"- Pointed towards shoppers (Teen girls and Women)

9. Examine front section. What subject areas are most represented in the stories you see in that section? ie War, crime, economics, etc.

On the front section the stories are about school, crimes and murder, politics, and media.

10. Find ten words you don't know. Find a definition for each in the big dictionary at the back.

Unanimously- of one mind; in complete agreement; agreed.

Expidenture- the act of expending something

Skepticism- Skeptical attitude or temper; doubt.

Incarnation- a living being embodying a deity or spirit.

Infringment- a breach or infraction, as of law, right or obligation; violation; transgression.

Stimulus- something that incites to action or exertion or quickens action, feeling, thought.

Negligence- a negligent act or failure to act.

Subsequent- occuring or coming later or after.

Propaganda- the deliberate spreading of such information, rumors, etc.

Advocates- to speak or write in favour of; support or urge by argument; recommended publicly.

11. Read one article in detail (be sure it is in some way relevant/ interesting to you) summarize it and break it down into the main info who, what, where, and when. For why, how, give key details. Why did this article appeal to you?

Summerization: Top artists will be making a global tribute to the King of Pop, Micheal Jackson.

Who: Jermaine Jackson, Mary J. Blige, Chris Brown, Sister Sledge, Natalie Cole, Angela Bassett, US5.

What: Global Tribute to King of Pop, Micheal Jackson. Also featuring a virtual duet between M.J. and one of his brothers.

Where: Vienna in front of a 17th-century palace in the Austrian capital.

When: September 26, 2009

Why: Because of The king of Pop's death that occured on June 25, 2009.

How: Singers will sing some of Micheal Jackson's greatest hits and through out the evening Jermaine Jackson will sing a duet with his late brother. There will be a video of Micheal projected onto nearby walls

Why did it appeal to me?

This appealed to me because Micheal was known as the most famous pop singer and music is my passion. Along with Micheal's work there are some well known artists that will be involved in the tribute. Some of the artists are Akon and Chris Brown.

12. Find a photo that appeals to you. Describe it and explain why it appeals to you.

In the picture that i found there is a three car pile up. There are a group of angry people and they look like they are yelling at each other. This picture appeals to me because first of all the caption says that a mother and her three small children were taken to the hospital after they crashed into a parked car thet ran into another parked car. That leads me to the second reason of why this picture appeals to me which is that there are millions of car crashes a year and it is upsetting but the good thing about this particular car crach is that there was no reported injuries to the mother and her three kids. (picture below isn't the actual picture)

13. Read any letter to the editor. Why do you think people write these? What purpose did the letter you read serve?

Could not find one

14. List five celebrities mentioned in your newspaper. Under what circumstances are these people mentioned?

1)Mariah Carey was mentioned because she was telling about her feelings towards Precious: based on the novel "Push" by Sapphire.

2)Jane Lynch was mentioned because she plays the role of a cheerleading coach in Glee.

3)Deborah Cox is reportedly turning to broadway after being a R&B singer and actress.

4)Mary J. Blige, Akon, Chris Brown, and Jermiane Jackson will be singing some of Micheal Jacksons songs and Jermaine Jackson will be singing a virtual duet with his brother in Vienna.

5)Janet Jackson will hounor her late brother with a musical tribute to Micheal Jackson.

15. Find me a job in the classified section. Assume that i need a change and you can get me hooked up with something to take advantage of my skills.

In the Classified section there is an ad for an office assisnant. They are looking for someone who has good telephone manners and who is a computer expert. Also there is a telemarketing job. This could be good because of your talent of talking and being very entertaining. You could get the attention of someone and get them to consider buying subscriptions.



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