Tuesday, December 22, 2009

TV Show Pitch Package

One Pager
Vamphouse is about a vampire doctor who solves health issues. He solves many cases daily. The people that the doctor can not save, he eats them/ drinks their blood. But one day when the doctor’s fiancée becomes deathly ill and he cannot save her, he does something that no vampire should ever do. The doctor saves his fiancée by exchanging blood with her. The doctor soon finds out that saving his fiancée could ruin his life because his fiancée turns evil.

Some shows that are similar to Vamphouse are Vampire Diaries which is about a vampire who lets his secret be found out because of Elaina and Katherine (who look the exact same but Katherine is dead). House is about a a doctor who Greg House who is a sarcastic doctor that can cure basically everyone. Twilight and New Moon are two movies that are based on the novel that is about a vampire falling in love with a human. I got the concept of Vamphouse from vampires because recently they are a bit hit with the Twilight series coming out and then I added the concept of House because it is something that will draw in older groups of people which will widen my target audience.

The target audience of Vamphouse is teenagers to people the age of 25 (16-25). Teenagers will want to watch Vamphouse because of the vampires, tragic love story and the actors in it. People that are about 19-25 will want to watch it because of the House/ doctor concept and the vampire concept is a bonus thing and makes it more interesting.


The Doctor- Paul Wesley
  • Plays Stephan from Vampire Diaries
  • Kind
  • Caring
  • Loving
  • Takes control of things
  • Cares for his girlfriend/ fiancée a lot
  • Very intelligent
  • Handsome

The Girlfriend/ Fiancée- Nina Dobrev
  • Plays Elaina from Vampire Diaries
  • Loveable
  • Bubbly
  • Cares for her fiancée
  • Smart
  • Beautiful

The Boss- Lisa Edelstein
  • Plays Cuddy from House
  • Strict
  • Wants things done fast and efficiently
  • Doesn't like mistakes
  • Intelligent
  • Beautiful in a strict way
  • Married

Nurse 1- Jennifer Morrison
  • Plays Cameron from House
  • Strict
  • Emotionless
  • Intelligent
  • Pretty
  • Single

Nurse 2- Katerina Graham
  • Plays Bonnie from Vampire Diaries
  • Beautiful
  • Intelligent
  • Trouble with relationships
  • Laid back
  • Good sense of humor

Nurse 3- Ian Somerhald
  • Plays Daman from Vampire Diaries
  • Handsome
  • Laid back
  • Sense of humor
  • Man-whore (lots of girlfriends)
  • Smart
  • Smart ass
  • Kind of intelligent
  • Stands up for himself and what he believes in

Nurse 4- Gregory House
  • Plays House from House
  • Strict
  • Old
  • Very smart
  • Ignorant
  • Mean
  • Bossy
  • Looks down on others
  • Single because of his attitude


Season Overview:

A Los Angeles doctor is a vampire that saves hundreds of lives, but the ones he can't save he kills them by drinking their blood. He has a loving and steady relationship with his girlfriend and is at the peak of his work career. One day his girlfriend bets/ becomes deathly ill and he has to try to find a way to save her. He tries everything he can think of but nothing can save her...- or can it? He brings her back to life by exchanging her/ their blood but when she wakes up, all hell breaks loose- something goes terribly wrong. Now his evil fiancée causes him to have to save many more lives and puts his job at risk. He has to choose between love and his career. Which one will he choose? Watch Vamphouse and find out.
Coming in summer 2010

Episode Overview:

First Episode-

The doctor is at the hospital dealing with a patient that has cancer and another that has an unknown disease. There are flashbacks that the doctor has about his soon to be fiancée and how much he loves her. At the end he cures the two patients and when his girlfriend comes in to see him at work he gets down on one knee and asks her to marry him.

Second Episode-

The girlfriend says yes to the proposal and becomes the fiancée. A patient comes in to the ER with a problem that involves giving surgery to remove an object that is stuck in his chest (Car accident patient) something like a broken piece of a bar in his chest close to his lungs and heart. Surgery is successful and the fiancée begins to plan the wedding.

Target Audience

Composite Audience Member:

These audience members watch TV shows like Vampire Diaries, House, General Hospital, and ER, etc. They watch movies like New Moon and Twilight. If they watch Vamphouse because if the vampire part of it they will use or have a lot of Twilight things and be obsessed with Twilight, New Moon etc and read vampire books, magazines, etc. They will probably be from 16-19 that live anywhere- city, country, town, village, etc- and have a TV or have access to a TV.


Things that make Vamphouse appealing are the actors/ characters, the story line, vampires, doctors, or vampire doctors. It is appealing as well because it is similar to many shows that people already watch (Twilight, Vampire Diaries, House, etc). The advertising is appealing because it is similar to how Twilight and New Moon were/ are advertised.


The demographics of the target audience for Vamphouse are that they between the ages of 16-25, they like to watch TV, like vampires and doctors (both or just one), they like the main actors/ characters, they have a TV, they are people that need entertainment, and people who like shows similar to Vamphouse (Twilight, New Moon, House, Vampire Diaries).

People, who like Vamphouse, also would like Twilight, House and Vampire Diaries.



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