Friday, January 15, 2010

Musical Performer Assignment

Musical Performer

1. Choose a performer or band.

The Beatles

2. Biography Information

The Beatles are one of the most influential music artists of the later part of the 20th century. They have affected Britain and American cultures and the post war baby boomers generation. They have influenced more than the music but also the film industries. The band consisted of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr (Richard Starkey). They originally came from Liverpool, England where they started out performing ‘skiffle’ then went to a Chuck Berry kind of music. They became the hottest bands in the Liverpool clubs. They went to Hamburg and performed nasty dives and they started to get into the punk vibe. They got a manager who transformed them from punks to suits, smiles, and ties, made them turn on the charm and he challenged them to get better and write their own music. So they did. They wrote the song ‘She Loves You’ and their lives changed. The press blew them up, they got lots of gigs and they decided they wanted America!

3. Why are they influential or important in music history? Explain & reasoning.

Bob Dylan then introduced them to pot. They got better and better because they wrote better and more creative music. They then got into studios therefore they quit touring and became a ‘Studio Band’ which was the start of today’s modern recording. They were the first guys to distort guitars. They influenced the start of many new genres mainly hippy music because of their albums Sergeant Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band and Summer of Love. The Beatles died in the peak of their career so therefore they are awesome forever.

4. Analyze a song and/ or video if available. Review and discuss.

Title: Eleanor Rigby
Genre: Baroque pop
Instruments: Strings orchestra
Band History: Into Speed and Pot very influential
Riff: None
Layering: Strings on Strings- Violin and Chello
Mood: Upbeat
Age Group: Older group
Tempo: Fast
Lyrics: Repetitive almost sound religious

The intro is very catchy and it gets stuck in your head easily. The strings are a nice touch it seems like a fresh touch. They aren’t really singing but there is no need to. The instruments don’t over power the lyrics which I like because you can understand what they are trying to say. This kind of music is not aimed at my generation so it doesn’t really affect me and it is ‘out of the norm’ of what I usually listen to. The strings are out of the Beatles usual style which makes this song very different and catches people’s attention.

5. Analyze and evaluate the style, image, attitude, live show and so on for the band.


  • Weird English skiffle folk
  • Nasty dives
  • Punk vibe
  • Manager- suits, ties, smiles, charm
  • Bob Dylan- Pot- hippy music


  • English folk- starting off
  • Punks- becoming bigger
  • Suits ties- manager
  • Hippies- Bob Dylan- Pot


  • Mean and nasty
  • Nice and charming
  • Hippy- trippy- drug users

Live show:

  • Girls screaming

6. Give your personal opinion

My personal opinion of the Beatles is that they sound like they are very influential. I have not personally listened too many (if any) of their songs so it is hard for me to give my own personal opinion.

7. Target Audience.

The target audience for the Beatles now a day’s are people that were teens in the time that they came out (1960’s). Today the target audience will be around about 60 years old. They would probably listen to other bands like The Temptations or Buddy Holly. They are all the same genre of music. They would probably go to their concerts and buy their records and have some fan items i.e. T-shirts, posters etc. For younger people that like older music they might have had tribute bands and just recently they have made a Rock band Beatles tribute game with all of their songs.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

TV Show Pitch Package

One Pager
Vamphouse is about a vampire doctor who solves health issues. He solves many cases daily. The people that the doctor can not save, he eats them/ drinks their blood. But one day when the doctor’s fiancée becomes deathly ill and he cannot save her, he does something that no vampire should ever do. The doctor saves his fiancée by exchanging blood with her. The doctor soon finds out that saving his fiancée could ruin his life because his fiancée turns evil.

Some shows that are similar to Vamphouse are Vampire Diaries which is about a vampire who lets his secret be found out because of Elaina and Katherine (who look the exact same but Katherine is dead). House is about a a doctor who Greg House who is a sarcastic doctor that can cure basically everyone. Twilight and New Moon are two movies that are based on the novel that is about a vampire falling in love with a human. I got the concept of Vamphouse from vampires because recently they are a bit hit with the Twilight series coming out and then I added the concept of House because it is something that will draw in older groups of people which will widen my target audience.

The target audience of Vamphouse is teenagers to people the age of 25 (16-25). Teenagers will want to watch Vamphouse because of the vampires, tragic love story and the actors in it. People that are about 19-25 will want to watch it because of the House/ doctor concept and the vampire concept is a bonus thing and makes it more interesting.


The Doctor- Paul Wesley
  • Plays Stephan from Vampire Diaries
  • Kind
  • Caring
  • Loving
  • Takes control of things
  • Cares for his girlfriend/ fiancée a lot
  • Very intelligent
  • Handsome

The Girlfriend/ Fiancée- Nina Dobrev
  • Plays Elaina from Vampire Diaries
  • Loveable
  • Bubbly
  • Cares for her fiancée
  • Smart
  • Beautiful

The Boss- Lisa Edelstein
  • Plays Cuddy from House
  • Strict
  • Wants things done fast and efficiently
  • Doesn't like mistakes
  • Intelligent
  • Beautiful in a strict way
  • Married

Nurse 1- Jennifer Morrison
  • Plays Cameron from House
  • Strict
  • Emotionless
  • Intelligent
  • Pretty
  • Single

Nurse 2- Katerina Graham
  • Plays Bonnie from Vampire Diaries
  • Beautiful
  • Intelligent
  • Trouble with relationships
  • Laid back
  • Good sense of humor

Nurse 3- Ian Somerhald
  • Plays Daman from Vampire Diaries
  • Handsome
  • Laid back
  • Sense of humor
  • Man-whore (lots of girlfriends)
  • Smart
  • Smart ass
  • Kind of intelligent
  • Stands up for himself and what he believes in

Nurse 4- Gregory House
  • Plays House from House
  • Strict
  • Old
  • Very smart
  • Ignorant
  • Mean
  • Bossy
  • Looks down on others
  • Single because of his attitude


Season Overview:

A Los Angeles doctor is a vampire that saves hundreds of lives, but the ones he can't save he kills them by drinking their blood. He has a loving and steady relationship with his girlfriend and is at the peak of his work career. One day his girlfriend bets/ becomes deathly ill and he has to try to find a way to save her. He tries everything he can think of but nothing can save her...- or can it? He brings her back to life by exchanging her/ their blood but when she wakes up, all hell breaks loose- something goes terribly wrong. Now his evil fiancée causes him to have to save many more lives and puts his job at risk. He has to choose between love and his career. Which one will he choose? Watch Vamphouse and find out.
Coming in summer 2010

Episode Overview:

First Episode-

The doctor is at the hospital dealing with a patient that has cancer and another that has an unknown disease. There are flashbacks that the doctor has about his soon to be fiancée and how much he loves her. At the end he cures the two patients and when his girlfriend comes in to see him at work he gets down on one knee and asks her to marry him.

Second Episode-

The girlfriend says yes to the proposal and becomes the fiancée. A patient comes in to the ER with a problem that involves giving surgery to remove an object that is stuck in his chest (Car accident patient) something like a broken piece of a bar in his chest close to his lungs and heart. Surgery is successful and the fiancée begins to plan the wedding.

Target Audience

Composite Audience Member:

These audience members watch TV shows like Vampire Diaries, House, General Hospital, and ER, etc. They watch movies like New Moon and Twilight. If they watch Vamphouse because if the vampire part of it they will use or have a lot of Twilight things and be obsessed with Twilight, New Moon etc and read vampire books, magazines, etc. They will probably be from 16-19 that live anywhere- city, country, town, village, etc- and have a TV or have access to a TV.


Things that make Vamphouse appealing are the actors/ characters, the story line, vampires, doctors, or vampire doctors. It is appealing as well because it is similar to many shows that people already watch (Twilight, Vampire Diaries, House, etc). The advertising is appealing because it is similar to how Twilight and New Moon were/ are advertised.


The demographics of the target audience for Vamphouse are that they between the ages of 16-25, they like to watch TV, like vampires and doctors (both or just one), they like the main actors/ characters, they have a TV, they are people that need entertainment, and people who like shows similar to Vamphouse (Twilight, New Moon, House, Vampire Diaries).

People, who like Vamphouse, also would like Twilight, House and Vampire Diaries.


Friday, December 18, 2009

TV Show Pitch Package

One Pager

Vamphouse is about a vampire doctor who solves health issues. He solves many many cases daily. The people that the doctor can not save he eats them/ drinks their blood. But one day when the doctors fiancee falls deathly ill and he cannot save her, he does something that no vampire should ever do. The doctor saves his fiancee by exchanging blood with her. The doctor soon finds out that saving his fiancee could ruin his life because his fiancee turns evil.

Some shows that are similar to Vapmhouse are Vampire Diaries which is about a vampire who lets his secret be found out because of Elaina and Katherine (who look the exact same but Katherine is dead). House is about a a doctor who Greg House who is a sarcastic doctor that can cure basically everyone. Twilight and New Moon are two movies that are based on the novel that is about a vampire falling in love with a human. I got the concept of Vamphouse from vampires because recently they are a bit hit with the Twilight series coming out and then I added the concept of House because it is something that will draw in older groups of people which will widen my target audience.

The target audience of Vamphouse is teenagers to people the age of 25 (16-25). Teenagers will want to watch Vamphouse because of the vampires, tragic love story and the actors in it. People that are about 19-25 will want to watch it because of the House/ doctor concept and the vampire concept is a bonus thing and makes it more interesting.


The Doctor-

  • Plays Stephan from Vampire Diaries
  • Kind
  • Caring
  • Loving
  • Takes control of things
  • Cares for his girlfriend/ fiancee a lot
  • Very intelligent
  • Handsome

The Girlfriend/ Fiancee-

  • Plays Elaina from Vampire Diaries
  • Loveable
  • Bubbly
  • Cares for her fiancee
  • Smart
  • Beautiful

The Boss-

  • Plays Cuddy from House
  • Strict
  • Wants things done fast and efficently
  • Doesn't like mistakes
  • Intelligent
  • Beautiful in a strict way
  • Married

Nurse 1-

  • Plays Cameron from House
  • Strict
  • Emotionless
  • Intelligent
  • Pretty
  • Single

Nurse 2-

  • Plays Bonnie from Vampire Diaries
  • Beautiful
  • Intelligent
  • Trouble with relationships
  • Laid back
  • Good sense of humor

Nurse 3-

  • Plays Daman from Vampire Diaries
  • Handsome
  • Laid back
  • Sense of humor
  • Man-whore (lots of girlfriends)
  • Smart
  • Smart ass
  • Kind of intelligent
  • Stands up for himself and what he believes in

Nurse 4-

  • Plays House from House
  • Strict
  • Old
  • Very very smart
  • Ignorant
  • Mean
  • Bossy
  • Looks down on others
  • Single because of his attitude


Season Overview:
A Los Angeles doctor is a vampire that saves hundreds of lives, but the ones he can't save he kills them by drinking their blood. He has a loving and steady relationship with his girlfriend and is at the peak of his work career. One day his girlfriend bets/ becomes deathly ill and he has to try to find a way to save her. He tries everything he can think of but nothing acn save her...- or can it? He brings her back to life by exchanging her/ their blood but when she wakes up, all hell breaks loose- something goes terribly wrong. Now his evil fiancee causes him to have to save many more lives and puts his job at risk. He has to choose between love and his career. Which one willhe choose? Watch Vamphouse and find out.
Coming in Summer 2010
Episode Overview:
First Episode-
The doctor is at the hospital dealing with a patient that has cancer and another that has an unknown disease. There is flashbacks that the doctor has about his soon to be fiancee and how much he loves her. At the end he cures the two patients and when his girlfriend comes in to see him at work he gets down on one knee and asks her to marry him.
Second Episode-
The girlfriend says yes to the proposal and becomes the fiancee. A patient comes in to the ER with a problem that involves giving surgery to remove an object that is stuck in his chest (Car accident patient) something like a broken piece of a bar in his chest close to his lungs and heart. Surgery is sucessful and the fiancee begins to plan the wedding.
Target Audience
Composite Audience Member:
These audience members watch TV shows like Vampire Diaries, House, General Hospital, and ER, etc. They watch movies like New Moon and Twilight. If they watch Vamphouse because if the vampire part of it they will use or have a lot of Twilight things and be obsessed with Twilight, New Moon etc and read vampire books, magazines, etc. They will probably be from 16-19 that live anywhere- city, country, town, village, etc- and have a TV or have access to a TV.
Thing that make Vamphouse appealing are the actors/ characters, the story line, vampires, doctors, or vampire doctors. It is appealing as well because it is similar to many shows that people already watch (Twilight, Vampire Diaries, House, etc). The advertising is appealing because it is similar to how Twilight and New Moon were/ are advertised.
The demographics of the target audiance for Vamphouse are that they between the ages of 16-25, they like to watch TV, like vampires and doctors (both or just one), they likethe main actors/ characters, they have a TV, they are people that need entertainment, and people who like shows similar to Vamphouse (Twilight, New Moon, House, Vampire Diaries).
People who like Vamphouse, also would like Twilight, House and Vampire Diaries.


Monday, November 9, 2009

Favourite Bands

Favourite Three Bands:

Justin Beiber- One Time

  • Music has a good beat
  • Catchy lyrics
  • Talanted singer (for now)
  • Young


  • Catchy
  • Bad ass lyrics

Miley Cyris- Party in the USA

  • Good video for her
  • nice voice
  • doesn't try to be fake in this song
  • feels truthful
  • writes her own songs
  • has potential

Three Least Favourite Bands:

Taylor Swift

  • Not a good singer
  • Songs are stupid
  • She trys to act in her videos
  • She had no competition when she came out so she looked really good, unlike Shania Twain or Faith Hill who had a lot of competition
  • Seems really fake

MIA- Paper Planes

  • Too high pitched for my liking
  • Videos don't make sense
  • Annoying to listen to

Lady Gaga

  • Videos are stupid
  • Tries too hard
  • Acting
  • Dresses really stupidly

Key differences

  • Mostly Guys v.s. Girls
  • Real v.s. Fake
  • too much competition so they try to be different by making themselves look stupid by dressing up


Thursday, November 5, 2009

TV show review


One Tree Hill is about them being in their twenties finding out what life is supposed to be about and going through tough times with loved ones or sometimes all alone. Some of them find themselves in great places that they always dreamed of being in, and some are totaly lost. It is about love and lost love, dreams and broken dreams, friendships and about being in their hometown living their lives.

After Brooke finally shows her love for Julian, she tries to live in a stable home that she has always dreamed of having. Meanwhile, as Nathans NBA career flourishes, he navigates the pitfalls of being in the spotlight, with the help of his charismatic sports agent and friend, Clay. Equally busy recording for Red Bedroom Records, Haley's attempt to juggle motherhood, a career, and a famous husband are complicated when her sister Quinn returns with a surprising revelation. Jamie remains the brightest spot in Nathan and Haley's lives as they refuse to let him get lost in the shadows of their successful careers. Millie's relationship with Mouth is challenged when she forms a friendship with the new face of Brooke's Clothes Over Bros company, Alex. Skills must choose between a settled life with Lauren and his desire for a new and exciting career. Finally, with the knowledge that his weakening heart could fail at any moment, Dan Scott struggles to find forgiveness in what little time he has left on the earth.


Nathan Scott
  • Star NBA Basketball player.
  • Married to Hayley James Scott.
  • Has a Son Jamie Scott.
  • Brother to Lucas Scott.
  • Son to Dan Scott.
  • Woman in the picture above tried to destroy his career by telling the news reporters that Nathan was the father of her unborn child

Hayley James Scott

  • Singer.
  • Making a record.
  • Produces records at Peyton's music studio.
  • Married to Nathan Scott.
  • Mother to Jamie Scott

Jamie Scott

  • Son of Hayley and Nathan Scott.
  • 5 Years old.
  • Likes basketball.
  • His best friend is his rabbit

Brooke Davis

  • Designer.
  • Owns& Invented Clothes over Bros.
  • Dating Julian.
  • Wants a stable family.
  • Wants to settle down.
  • Wants a child.
  • Mom was never around


  • Movie producer.
  • Dating Brooke.
  • Working with Alex on a movie script.
  • Dad was never around


  • Nathan's agent.
  • Lost his wife.
  • Haunted by his dead wife.
  • Getting into a relationship with Quinn


  • Hayley's Sister.
  • Seperated from her husband David.
  • Photographer.
  • Getting into a relationship with Clay

Dan Scott

  • Nathan and Lucas's dad.
  • Killed his brother Keith.
  • Killer trying to find redemption.
  • Has his own Tv show in LA.
  • Has his own book "Scott Free".
  • Has a heart problem.
  • Faking his health.
  • Used to be the mayor of Tree Hill.
  • Married to Rachel

Mouth/ Marvin

  • Dating Millie.
  • News producer.
  • Geek

Millie/ Millicent

  • Dating Mouth.
  • Was Brooke's assistant at Clothes over Bros.
  • Now is Brooke's newest model for Clothes over Bros.
  • Doing cocaine.
  • Taking diet pills to be skinny

Alex Dupree

  • Model for Clothes over Bros.
  • Actress.
  • Likes Julian

Character Relationships

Nathan and Hayley are married and have a son Jamie Scott. Dan is married to his second wife Racheland is divorced from his first wife Deb who are the parents of Nathan. Before Deb and Dan got married, Dan had a child with Karen. Lucas's parents are Karen and Dan. Brooke and Julian are dating. Marvin and Millicent are dating. Alex likes Julian but works for Brooke and she knows that Julian will never leave Brooke. Clay and Quinn are getting into a relationship. Clay's wife died a while ago and he is still haunted by her ghost. Quinn is seperated from her husband David because she wants everything to be the way it was before and doesn't want them to change because its not the same and she can't handle it. Quinn is also Hayley's sister and Nathan's sister-in-law.

During photo shoot. Millie is still Brooke's assistant at this time.

Brooke and Millie standing in the Clothes Over Bro's store after the newest model Alex Dupree shows up.

This is at Jamie's 7th birthday party. Nathan introduces Clay and Quinn for the first time.

Nathan and Clay.

Nathan and clay talking about basketball at the local Tree Hill bar "Tric" owned by Peyton and operated at the time by Hayley.

Quinn and Clay coming back to Nathan and Hayley's house.

Clay and Quinn having breakfast at Clay's house.

Sister time. Quinn and Hayley.

Nathan and Jamie having some father son time. Right after Nathan deals with a school bully.
Hayley playing in the streets of Tree Hill for fans.

Rachel, Dan's wife.

Dan trying to get redemption from Nathan after Dan reveals that he is not actually the father of the other lady's unborn child.

Dan spending time with Jamie.
Dan and Rachel at Tric.

Brooke and Julian at the beach.

Brooke and Julian.

Brooke and Julian after Julian spends the night working with Alex instead of Brooke.

At the Clothes over Bro's photo shoot.

Alex and Millie at the Clothes over Bro's runway show at Tric.


This is a popular TV show because it shows the lives of NBA stars, movie producers, singers, and fashion designers, etc. It shows people everyday activities of "normal people" that are above normal people in real life and that are celebrities in the actual world in the show.

Another reason that it is popular is because of the actors on the show. There are very well known actors such as Sophia Bush, Chad Micheal Murray, and Bethany Joy.

I personally like this show because of the drama in it and the actors. One of my favourite actresses is Sophia Bush. I like how I get to be inside their world and how the actors show their emotions so I feel that I am there. 
